Getting stated


Using Package Control

You can really easily install FileManager by using Package Control.

If it's not already, you need to install it first.


If you're using the latest build of Sublime Text 3, you can just do Tools → Install Package Control…

  • Open up the command palette (ctrl+shift+p)
  • Search up Package Control: Install Package (might take a few seconds)
  • In the panel that just showed up, search for FileManager

Done! You have now access to every single features of FileManager! 😉

Using git

$ cd "%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages"             # on Windows
$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3 # on Mac
$ cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3                        # on Linux

$ git clone ""

So, which one do I pick?!

I depends of what you want to do. If you want to just use FileManager, pick the first solution, you'll get every update automatically. But if you want to contribute, then choose the second solution.


Here's a few tips that should get you started:


Press alt+n to create a file relative to the current opened folder, or, if there is none, the current view, or finally C:/Users/<your username> (~ for the purists) if no view's open

Use the auto completion

Press tab to go through the auto completion (and shift+tab to go backwards)

Use the aliases

Create and use some aliases! You already have plenty! For example, you have $packages. Try it out!

Use the "browser"

Try to create (alt+n) a folder that already exists. You'll see, you're computer will dance the samba! Na, just kidding, but really, give it a go!

Bye bye menus!

All the command are available from the command palette! rename, move, duplicate, etc


Always prefer the command palette to the menus. You'll be much faster. You can even add your own items!

Here's the next step: all about every FileManager's commands